
  1. Visit the Member Log-in page.
  2. Click the “Click here to register” link.
  3. Fill out the form and click “Register”.
  4. You should receive an email from the site containing information about your registration.
  5. The Huckleberry HOA Admin will need to validate your account before you are able to log in; you should receive an email from the Admin within a day or 2 that contains a temporary password for you to log in with.

Changing Password (and Choosing One You Like!)

  1. Log in with your current password
  2. Hover over the “Howdy [YOUR_NAME]” in the upper right corner of the page. When you see the drop-down menu, click on Edit Profile.
  3. Scroll down in your profile screen to Account Management and click Set New Password.
  4. A text box will appear with a new nonsensical (but very secure! :-)) password. Simply replace the password text with whatever password you would like to use. (see screenshot below)
  5. If your password is insecure (“weak”), you will have to check the “Confirm use of weak password” box that appears below the password. (Though we always recommend using secure passwords, for sites like the HOA’s, where there is little valuable information to secure a weak password is acceptable.)
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Update User button.


Password Change Screenshot